(marunouchi) HOUSE


(marunouchi) HOUSE DJ | Mustache X


Mustache X

Mustache X

彼のセンスや生き様を音に具現化する「Mustache X」。
昨年にはShigeoJDと可変型プロジェクトFake Eyes ProductionとしてAGEHAに出演も果たし、最近ではLAのクラブAvalonでのプレイも好評を博した。
唯一分かっているパブリックフラッグとしてはDJ MAAR&ShigeoJDの所属するFAKE EYES PRODUCTIONの中核的存在であり、また日本では数少ない口髭(mustache)のソーシャルクラブ Black Mustache Social Clubを運営している。という事である。

Mustache X
The “X” is of Mustache, by Mustache, for Mustache…
Mustache X is not disclose his DJ career, hometown, and all details, and is wrapped by a secret veil.
Mustache X realizes his sense and the way of his life using sounds.
The sound images by creating from his long term data base in his brain show us his underground lifestyle.
His border-less play stye like he often says “I don’t understand my genre” has been praised and its style has been expanding his possibility not only in Japan but also in overseas.
Even though his DJ career was mysterious, many organizers has booked him to Main Floor.
He lately spun the legendary club in LA, club Avalon.
He only showed us himself as the core part of FAKE EYES PRODUCTION, and he also manages Black Mustache Social Club in Tokyo.